scenographic design
Scenography is about creating a collaborative work where all decisions inform each other. I work closely with my director and design team to create an immersive production. I think in terms of light and shadow just as much as the lighting designer, because the set is only seen with the help of light. I consider the costumes, as they inform the world the character inhabits and how the character fills their space. This page contains scenic designs, though I work in projections, costumes, and lighting as well, and each set was designed with all these areas in mind.

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by Wendy Wasserstein (set and projection design)

by Wendy Wasserstein (set and projection design)

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by Andrew Hinderaker (set and projection design)

by Andrew Hinderaker (set and projection design)

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by George S. Kaufman and Ring Lardner directed by Jonathan Silverstein Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA a world where there is a song and a dream waiting behind every New York window. June Moon shows us just one of these stories filled with hope for a bright new future

by George S. Kaufman and Ring Lardner directed by Jonathan Silverstein Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA

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by S. Ansky directed by Joshua Kahan Brody Theodore and Adele Shank Theatre, UC San Diego, CA the classic Jewish play re-imagined to bring the spirituality of Jewish mysticism to a non-denominational audience

by S. Ansky directed by Joshua Kahan Brody Theodore and Adele Shank Theatre, UC San Diego, CA

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by Arthur Miller directed by Ryan Lee Queens Players, NYC

by Arthur Miller directed by Ryan Lee Queens Players, NYC

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by Dylan Lamb directed by Brandi Varnell Squeaky Bicycle Productions, NYC

by Dylan Lamb directed by Brandi Varnell Squeaky Bicycle Productions, NYC

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by Henrik Ibsen directed by Anthony Luciano Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA in her coveted mansion on a hill, surrounded by giant glass windows, Hedda is on display but no one is watching. Her Modernist prison is the definition of style but the antithesis of comfort. As she tries to find the one thing in her life that she can control, she is slowly pushed out of her own life until she has no choice but live, or die, on the edge of existence.

by Henrik Ibsen directed by Anthony Luciano Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA

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a new play by Lauren Yee (now title The Hatmaker's Wife) directed by Joshua Kahan Brody Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA if walls could speak, what would they say about you? a tale about loss, love and forgiveness in a world where walls talk and unloved babies float up into the big big, so a world just like our own but with the magic revealed. click below to see a video highlighting the projection design

a new play by Lauren Yee (now title The Hatmaker's Wife) directed by Joshua Kahan Brody Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UC San Diego, CA click below to see a video highlighting the projection design

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by William Shakespeare directed by George Drance Fordham University, NYC

by William Shakespeare directed by George Drance Fordham University, NYC

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by Terrance McNally directed by Tom Rowan Gallery Players, Off-Off Broadway, NYC The goal of this production was to transform a shallow, basement theatre into an opera stage at the Met, creating the feel of a grand, open space. Click the image of "Company" below, performed in the same space, to see the true size of the stage.

by Terrance McNally directed by Tom Rowan Gallery Players, Off-Off Broadway, NYC

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by Marguerite Duras CLASS PROJECT

by Marguerite Duras CLASS PROJECT

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by Charles Mee CLASS PROJECT

by Charles Mee CLASS PROJECT

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a new play by Ron McCants directed by Larissa Lury Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UCSan Diego, CA a father and his son continuously coming together and breaking apart over a lifetime of confusion, love and missed connections. with unwanted memories piling up, a lifetime of emotional baggage threatens to end a relationship over and over. set in a transitory space fashioned out of the cardboard that hides the memories in our attics, the set is a place for ghost

a new play by Ron McCants directed by Larissa Lury Mandell Weiss Forum Theatre, UCSan Diego, CA

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by Stephen Sondheim directed by Andrew Block Gallery Players, Off-Off Broadway, NYC

by Stephen Sondheim directed by Andrew Block Gallery Players, Off-Off Broadway, NYC

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by Frank Wedekind CLASS PROJECT

by Frank Wedekind CLASS PROJECT

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be Georges Bizet CLASS PROJECT lighting by Sherrice Kelly

be Georges Bizet CLASS PROJECT lighting by Sherrice Kelly

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